<div>Greetings,<br><br>I am an intern here at OLPC and I've been working on developing the<br>"Measure Activity" which ships as part of the default build on the XO laptop.<br>See <a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Measure" target="_blank">
http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Measure</a> .<br><br>This Activity allows kids to interact with the physical world by indulging<br>in learning by doing experiments - hooking up sensors on the XO, observing<br>spectrum of sound...etc.
<br><br>I plan to conduct a few sessions with kids using the XO and the Activity in<br>the hope of trying to learn what are the things that they like, how they<br>perceive the software as a tool for carrying out learning by doing
<br>Activities and what seems most fun for them to do :-)<br><br></div>We have had groups of children over to the offices before, but it takes<br>some coordination of activity leaders and chaperones. I'm planning to
have some 2/3 hr sessions here at the OLPC office, which has some nice<br>and sunny rooms on weekends; Saturday afternoons or Sunday mornings.<br>(Sunday afternoons we have an open house for anyone to stop by and visit)<br>
<br>I am looking for volunteers to help me carry out these sessions and work<br>with the kids. It will be great fun and a lot of learning! (I will feed you too :-) )<br><br>Please email to let me know if you'd like to contribute.
<br><br>thanks,<br>Arjun<br><br><br>-- <br>Arjun Sarwal
<br><a href="mailto:arjun@laptop.org" target="_blank">arjun@laptop.org</a><br>+1-617-452-5664<br>One Laptop per Child<br><a href="http://laptop.org/" target="_blank">http://laptop.org/</a>