[Grassroots-l] [Sugar-devel] A simple way for teachers to review children works

Tabitha Roder tabitha at tabitha.net.nz
Tue Sep 25 18:33:28 EDT 2012

Hi Lionel

I recommend you look at XS or at least look at using Moodle. Students can
submit their work in assignments on moodle, for example.
Lots of people / places use Moodle so getting help is easy, there are
public forums on moodle.org and there are Moodle partners.

(sent from phone)
On Sep 26, 2012 7:53 AM, <lionel at olpc-france.org> wrote:

> Hi all,****
> ** **
> One of the main feedback from teachers in our small XO deployment at
> Saint-Denis (a poor suburb of Paris) is related to children works review.*
> ***
> The teacher would like a way to control and review works of children. ****
> ** **
> Generally they ask to children to write a text or something else and they
> want a way to check if children have completed the work.****
> They try to use an USB key but it’s too long (about fifteen minutes at
> least). More, because we’ve got only 25 XO for 50 children, two children
> share the same XO and there is a risk that a child delete the work of the
> previous one (it already happens).****
> I don’t know if it could help here but we don’t have a XS server
> installed. BTW to be honest, I’m afraid than if we have one teachers don’t
> have knowledge to use it.****
> ** **
> Because each XO has an Internet connection, we are thinking to develop a
> small activity to allow children to upload their works to a web server
> where teachers could retrieve it.****
> **-          **Do you know how other deployments handle teachers review ?*
> ***
> **-          **Does the XS could be a solution to this problem ?****
> **-          **Is there any existing activity matching the idea to upload
> content to a web server ?****
> ** **
> Any advice is welcome.****
> ** **
> Best regards from France.****
> ** **
>                 Lionel.****
> ** **
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