[Grassroots-l] [Olpc-uk] OLPC UK Library IRC meeting 2009-05-26 20:30 BST

Christel Dahlskjaer christel at pdpc.org.uk
Wed May 27 10:54:33 EDT 2009

Martin Dengler wrote:
>>> reminder:  irc.freenode.net #olpc-meeting 20:30 BST tonight...
>> Is this actually the correct channel and/or network? I've been in
>> #olpc-meeting on freenode for the last two times announced on-list
>> but there's nothing happening.
> Really sorry about that - I was unable to make my own meeting again.
> As you're the only one that's asked, if there's another way we can
> chat let's do so (I'm on IRC all the time so just ping me, if you
> prefer that - and it'll be easy to distribute the discussion).
No worries! I want to get involved but I'm studying for my exams at the 
moment so making the London meetings is a pain for the next couple of 
months and I figured I'd atleast make sure I popped in for the on-irc ones.

Would it be worth perhaps opening a #olpc-uk channel or similar for 
ad-hoc discussion as and when people pop in? I know Daniel (dsd) Drake, 
you and I frequent freenode regularly and I assume others may do so too.


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