[OLPC-Games] Violent games on the OLPC Activities page

Edward Cherlin echerlin at gmail.com
Fri Jan 18 04:36:20 EST 2008

On Jan 18, 2008 1:06 AM, Antoine van Gelder <hummingbird at hivemind.net> wrote:
> Jeffrey Kesselman wrote:
> > My personal suggestion to the self-appointed censors is, if you don't
> > like the content it ships with, go create some you DONT find
> > objectionable to offer as an alternative.

Hear, hear.

> The fundamental flaw in this line of reasoning Jeffrey... and this is a
> flaw which any sophomore would have been able to spot in the days when
> they still taught logic and critical reasoning skills at American
> universities is this:

Antoine, you are turning this into an rwar. This is an ad hominem
attack, as I'm sure they taught you. Stop it.

> -> Putting violent arcade games in an educational resource

Which nobody here has suggested doing. We're talking about a list of
what exists, not about what anybody recommends, and certainly not
about what ships with the XO.

> violates the
> right to spiritual and emotional recovery for nations that are in the
> process of recovering from war.

Utterly false, just as in the case of violent movies such as Hotel Rwanda.

Treatment for PTSD requires gradually easing the stress to the point
where the victim can stand to think about what happened without
bringing it back. And about every other kind of violence, real or
fictitious. They have to get to the point where they could play these

> -> Making lists of whatever entertainment resources you wish _OFF-SITE_
> does not violate anyone's freedom of speech nor their right to choose
> whatever type of drivel they wish to waste their time on.

I reject your motion to censor.

> What part of this do you not understand ?

You, sir. I fail to understand what bee you have in your bonnet.

>   - antoine
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Edward Cherlin
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