[OLPC-Games] xoxo, wiki updates and content bundles

Samuel Klein sj at laptop.org
Thu Jul 19 11:05:23 EDT 2007

Hello all,

Four updates:

== xoxo ==
We've added some regular summaries of community activities to the wiki : 
please take a look at the xoxo page, and feel free to add sections and 
notes you would like to see there.

We are looking for people to summarize the laptop mailing lists; let me 
know if you would like to do this, or would like to help translate it into 
other languages.

== Bundles ==
There is a new spec for defining content bundles:

and step-by-step instructions on making activity & content bundles:

Comments welcome on these pages and on the formats.

== Activities for download ==
Activities packaged as .xo files currently automatically install 
themselves into /home/olpc/Activities when downloaded via the XO browser.
When you start developing an activity, please be sure it is listed on the 
Activities page

All downloadable activities on an Activity Grid page separate from the 
general activities; if you are developing an activity, make sure it ends 
up on this grid once it is ready for download.

== project pages ==

Finally, if you're working on a project that doesn't yet have its own wiki 
page, please create one for it!


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