<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd"><html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css">p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }</style></head><body style=" font-family:'Luxi Sans'; font-size:11pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;">On April 10, 2009, Bert Freudenberg wrote:<br>
> On 10.04.2009, at 07:34, Milan Zimmermann wrote:<br>
> > On April 9, 2009, Bert Freudenberg wrote:<br>
> > > On 06.04.2009, at 06:41, Milan Zimmermann wrote:<br>
> > > > - [Etoys-Sugar-0.84-OLPC] Soas-2009040110. Played on OLPC from a<br>
> > > > stick. No sound .using either -vm-sound-OSS or vm-sound-ALSA in /<br>
> ><br>
> > usr/<br>
> ><br>
> > > > bin/etoys. This seems problem with Sugar, not Etoys. The driver is<br>
> > > > loaded yet I do not hear any sound in any Sugar activities.<br>
> > > > http://tracker.squeakland.org/browse/SQ-214<br>
> > ><br>
> > > I tried SoaS-beta in VirtualBox on a Mac (it still does not boot in<br>
> > > VMWare Fusion). Had to add a sound adapter when making the VM, it<br>
> ><br>
> > was<br>
> ><br>
> > > not added by default.<br>
> > ><br>
> > > There was no sound in Speak, nor in Etoys.<br>
> > ><br>
> > > BUT: In the Terminal activity, "aplay /usr/share/sound/alsa/<br>
> > > Front_Center.wav" did play fine, so sound *is* working.<br>
> ><br>
> > On my OLPC with SoS 2009-apr-1 sound does not work from Terminal<br>
> > activity either. I will redo it from the latest avaiable iso and see<br>
> > if that helps.<br>
> SoaS is not really meant to be run on the XO yet. It uses a stock<br>
> Fedora kernel which does not fully support the XO hardware yet.<br>
<p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; -qt-user-state:0;"><br></p>ah, interesting . I am running Soas2 on XO but it has problems. No sound, Browser crashing, no wget. And I just killed this long weekend so far by converting ISO (including Soas2) into a bootable SD that can run on XO or otherwise. I ported the Fedora usility to SuSE so I can run it home on SuSE, at least I have a way of generating Live Soas2 USB's as quickly as the Soas es are published.<br>
<p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; -qt-user-state:0;"><br></p>http://mzimmerm.blogspot.com/2009_04_01_archive.html<br>
<p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; -qt-user-state:0;"><br></p>><br>
> It works better on regular PC hardware and in emulators.<br>
<p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; -qt-user-state:0;"><br></p>I guess :) but my attempt to get it work in VirtualBox failed, hanging on startup no matter what I do. I will have to try again. That's where my excursion into Live USB/SD started. But it was fun.<br>
<p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; -qt-user-state:0;"><br></p>><br>
> > > The same<br>
> > > command did *not* work on a Linux VT console, neither as root nor as<br>
> > > liveuser.<br>
> > ><br>
> > > The Etoys log file had the known "soundStart: snd_add_pcm_handler:<br>
> > > Function not implemented" message. So I added the -vm-sound-OSS<br>
> > > workaround to /usr/bin/etoys and then sound in Etoys played fine.<br>
> > ><br>
> > > No idea about Speak though, there was no error in its log file.<br>
> ><br>
> > yeah, I just thought that if anything would have sound it would be<br>
> > Speak activity but it did not.<br>
> Speak does no sound because a library is missing. Too bad these things<br>
> only get mentioned on IRC rather than the Sugar-dev mailing list :(<br>
<p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; -qt-user-state:0;"><br></p>ah I see. I thought I tried play asound as well. I decided to wait for updated Soases before trying sound again :)<br>
<p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; -qt-user-state:0;"><br></p>Thanks, Milan<br>
<p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; -qt-user-state:0;"><br></p>><br>
> - Bert -<br>
<p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; -qt-user-state:0;"><br></p><p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; -qt-user-state:0;"><br></p></body></html>