'From etoys2.2 of 22 September 2007 [latest update: #1699] on 13 October 2007 at 2:16:18 pm'! "Change Set: HandleSizeFix Date: 13 October 2007 Author: Karl Ramberg Handles can pop up in various tools. This changeset fixes the size in various places"! !HandleMorph methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'kfr 10/13/2007 13:57'! initialize "initialize the state of the receiver" super initialize. "" self extent: 16 @ 16. ! ! !StarMorph methodsFor: 'editing' stamp: 'kfr 10/13/2007 13:59'! addHandles | center | self removeHandles. center _ vertices sum // vertices size. "Average vertices to get the center" handles _ {center. vertices second} with: {#center. #outside} collect: [:p :which | (EllipseMorph newBounds: (Rectangle center: p extent: 16@16) color: Color yellow) on: #mouseDown send: #dragVertex:event:fromHandle: to: self withValue: which; on: #mouseMove send: #dragVertex:event:fromHandle: to: self withValue: which]. self addAllMorphs: handles. self changed! !