'From etoys2.1 of 19 August 2007 [latest update: #1607] on 9 September 2007 at 3:33:03 pm'! !ViewerLine methodsFor: 'slot' stamp: 'kfr 9/9/2007 15:32'! addGetterFeedback "Add feedback during mouseover of a getter" | aMorph endMorph | endMorph _ (#(touchesA: #seesColor: #overlaps: color:sees:) includes: self elementSymbol) ifTrue: [submorphs seventh] ifFalse: [submorphs fifth]. aMorph _ RectangleMorph new bounds: ((submorphs third topLeft - (2@-1)) corner: (endMorph bottomRight + (2@-1))). aMorph height:(submorphs third height + 1). aMorph beTransparent; borderWidth: 2; borderColor: (Color r: 1.0 g: 0.355 b: 0.839); lock. ActiveWorld addHighlightMorph: aMorph for: nil. " Color fromUser (Color r: 1.0 g: 0.355 b: 0.839) "! !