[Etoys] Tiles for changePixelsOfColor:toColor

Matthew Fulmer tapplek at gmail.com
Mon Jun 30 14:06:47 EDT 2008

On Sun, Jun 29, 2008 at 11:01:29PM +0100, Christophe Rhodes wrote:
> Hi,
> [ I'm a novice at Squeak and Etoys, so please forgive me if I get some
>   terminology wrong.  I hope my basic question will be clear. ]
> My basic question is about how to create new tiles for the Viewer.
> Specifically, I'm interested in having some tiles in the Viewer to
> allow scripts to use changePixelsOfColor:toColor, because I think that
> that would allow for visualization of internal state of a morph
> without having to create one costume for every state.  (The use of
> setGraphic: is reasonable for two-state systems, and a bit tedious for
> more complex ones, I think).  I also am hoping in the process to learn
> more about how to implement custom viewer tiles and how the system
> hangs together.
> So far, in my attempts to make these tiles appear and work, I've found
> the additionsToViewerCategory* classes and wordingForOperator:
> selector, and added relevant clauses there.  I've also found the
> colorComponentPhraseFor: selector, and worried that there are more
> dragons here than I might be able to cope with.  I'd very much
> appreciate pointers on how to get started this kind of development, or
> a recipe for performing this kind of extension, or just telling me
> that it's way too hard and that I shouldn't even bother trying.

I made a very small package that shows exactly how to make a new
morph and give it a few tiles; It is well commented.

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