[Etoys] etoys performance problems

karl karl.ramberg at comhem.se
Sat Apr 5 12:15:11 EDT 2008

Yoshiki Ohshima wrote:
>   Hello,
>   I published a few changes in last a couple of weeks; I just looked
> at some inefficiency and avoid them.
>   I compared the project loading time in Etoys 2.3 (before Luke's method
> dictionary patch) and Etoys 3.0 #1957.  I loaded all projects in the
> ExampleEtoys like this:
> -------------------
> | dir entries proj |
> dir _ FileDirectory on: '/usr/share/etoys/ExampleEtoys'.
> entries _ FileList2 projectOnlySelectionMethod: dir entries.
> entries _ entries collect: [:each | Project parseProjectFileName: each first].
> entries do: [:each |
> 	Transcript show: '\classic: ' withCRs , each first, ' ', ([ProjectLoading loadFromDir: '/usr/share/etoys/ExampleEtoys' projectName: each first] timeToRun) printString.
> 	proj _ (Project named: each first).
> 	proj ifNotNil: [proj okToChangeSilently].
> ].
> -------------------
> got result (numbers are in milliseconds and are the average of three
> runs):
> BallDropAnalysis1	13850.3		9971		1.38906
> BetterMovieUI		9662.67		6145		1.57244
> BouncingBallAnimation	4825.33		3151.67		1.53104
> CarAndPen		5676.33		3504.67		1.61965
> ComputerLogicGame	14902.7		7080.33		2.1048
> DemonCastle1		24442.7		11497.7		2.12588
> EtoysChallenge		19955.7		10435.7		1.91226
> FishAndPlankton		12526		9573.33		1.30843
> FollowRoad		5532.33		3869.33		1.42979
> JustPaintedCar		3777		2237		1.68842
> LunarLanderGame		7730		5286.67		1.46217
> MakeAMovie		8909.67		5718		1.55818
> MiddleOfRoad		6056		3554		1.704
> ParticlesDyeInWater	11483.3		5672.33		2.02445
> ParticlesEpidemic	9368.67		5116.33		1.83113
> ParticlesGasModel	10688		4668.67		2.2893
> RandomRacing		7013.33		4263.33		1.64504
> SalmonSniff		5943		3912.33		1.51904
> SimpleSprings		5563		4566.67		1.21818
> SpeedAcceleration	6150.67		4421.33		1.39113
> StartOfDTPDocument	4577.67		3090.67		1.48113
> SteeringTheCar		6285.67		4388.67		1.43225
> TurtleGeometry		6117.67		3903.33		1.56729
> Welcome			22904		11830.3		1.93604
>   I haven't done anything about the double compression problem,
> putting media file aside, nor looking at the saving side.  But now
> project loading is 20%-100% faster than before, and bigger projects
> seem to benefit more.

Great progress. Do the big project contain lots of forms ? Sound is very 
efficiently compressed instances with the ogg plugin and maybe something 
similar would be possible for forms.


>   I have been experimenting another new format in S-expression, but
> found that for bigger projects, the new format is much slower.  Unless
> there is a way to optimize it, or some other reason, probably we stick
> with the old format for now...
>   I'll try to modify the code so that .pr file may not have to be
> compressed and see if how much we gain.
> -- Yoshiki
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