[Etoys] [Enhancement] Easier accessibility to ScorePlayer

karl karl.ramberg at comhem.se
Sun Sep 16 15:27:32 EDT 2007

I have added a menu item in the ScorePlayerMorph so it's possible to 
open new tracks etc. I basically just added the class comment below as a 
menu option.

Even if music composition is not the focus of the Etoys in OLPC it is 
nice to make the tools available a little more flexible and accessible ;-)

karl wrote:
> It is easy to get to the Squeak ScorePlayer and PianoRollMorph etc. but 
> to be able to use the tools is hard.
> This doit will open a ScorePlayer with three instruments but could this 
> not be made more accessible?
>  From the class comment of KeyboardMorphForInput:
> | n score | n _ 3.
>     score _ (MIDIScore new tracks: ((1 to: n) collect: [:i | Array new]);
>         trackInfo: ((1 to: n) collect: [:i | 'Instrument' , i printString]);
>         tempoMap: nil; ticksPerQuarterNote: 96).
>     ScorePlayerMorph openOn: score title: 'empty score'
> Karl
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