[Etoys] ogg theora support for etoys tutorial movies (now works on XO)

Bert Freudenberg bert at freudenbergs.de
Wed Oct 17 15:05:54 EDT 2007

This played back nicely on the XO indeed, at least the first one, as  
you indicated. We can't help here with the browser plugin problems  
though - you might want to ask on the Sugar list, or file tickets at  
dev.laptop.org to get the problems fixed.

- Bert -

On Oct 17, 2007, at 15:57 , Timothy Falconer wrote:

> Two steps closer ... I have ogg theora embedded in web pages, with
> navigation.  Found Bastien Nocera, the author of the video plugin, on
> freenode.  He was very helpful.
> Also got the webapp to use ogg if the client machine is linux, so ogg
> plays by default for the XO.  Flash plays by default elsewhere.
> Four remaining snafus:
> 1. the volume button on the totem player has a red x, as though it's
> image wasn't found.  Took me a while to figure out this was volume :)
> 2. Bastien told me to add *something* to the video height to cover
> the controller at the bottom.  Does someone at OLPC know the exact
> height?   I used 16 pixels like Quicktime, but the videos look
> stretched/fuzzy.
> 3. Anyone know how to specify the volume for the player in the
> <embed>?  I tried the Quicktime param, setting to 100, but it's still
> defaulting to 50.
> 4. the browser is flakey when viewing consecutive videos.   I had to
> restart it about two dozen times.  I'm assuming this is a memory
> thing.  YMMV.
> If you've got an XO, try these out and let me know how you do.
> Thanks,
> Tim
> On Oct 16, 2007, at 7:23 PM, Timothy Falconer wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Spent a couple hours making the volumes more consistent.  #1 got
>> scratchy, but otherwise they're audible enough on the XO.  Still
>> seems like the volume is lower than I'd like, but it could be the
>> XO.  Let me know your experience.
>> http://waveplace.com/movies ... be sure to click the OGG buttons to
>> launch those versions in the XO.
>> Still looking for the <object classid="blah"> code to embed the Totem
>> GStreamer plugin in a web page, if anyone knows it.
>> Tim
>> On Oct 16, 2007, at 3:45 PM, Timothy Falconer wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Today I added support for Ogg Vorbis to my Squeak Etoys video
>>> tutorials, and verified that they play on the XO.
>>> http://waveplace.com/movies/
>>> The next obvious step is to embed the ogg files in a web page, so  
>>> you
>>> can navigate the tutorials like you can with the Flash FLV versions.
>>> As it is now, you have to click "back" to see the list, remember
>>> which number you're on, and click the ogg button again.  A prev /
>>> next nav is the safer way to travel.
>>> Can anyone point me to an example of embedding ogg vorbis into a web
>>> page so it'll stream on the XO?
>>> Also, let me know your experience regarding volume levels.   All but
>>> #6 seem too quiet to me, but I want other's input before I re-encode
>>> them louder.  Could just be the B4 speakers, or the build I'm using.
>>> If someone likes these enough to post them on an official XO link
>>> page, I'll make an ogg only page just for the XO.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Tim

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