[Etoys] How to translate Etoys

Bert Freudenberg bert at freudenbergs.de
Sat Jul 21 04:40:28 EDT 2007

On Jul 21, 2007, at 7:06 , Tibi wrote:

> Hi everyone!
> I want to translate Etoys (I saw it's already translated in  
> Spanish, Japanese etc.) in Romanian,

Great, Tibi!

> but can't find the .mo files with the existing translations.
> Can anybody point me these .mo files' location and maybe the steps  
> I have to take in order my translation to appear in the official  
> release of Etoys?

Etoys used a translation system different from gettext until now. All  
the translations that are in there use Squeak's own translation  
mechanism. You could use that - press Alt-Shift-W to bring up a menu  
and select open... - Language editor.

However, we are working on switching to gettext to make it simpler  
for others to contribute translations:


We already can generate .pot files, but are not completely satisfied  
with the results yet:

On Jul 12, 2007, at 17:39 , Takashi Yamamiya wrote:

> You can extract .pot files with each class category from OLPC etoys
> image with
> GetTextExporter2 new export.
> Although, there are some issues, apparently you might notice that
> sometimes a keyword shows twice, it looks good start.

Takashi, I just notice that all the tile commands are missing,  
perhaps because these are no literal senders of #translated?

Tibi, I'd ask you to wait a bit on the translations. If you want to  
start now, use the old tools, or work off the .pot files I attached,  
but be prepared that these will change soon (they will be merged to  
fewer files).

Thank you!

- Bert -

-------------- nächster Teil --------------
Ein Dateianhang mit Binärdaten wurde abgetrennt...
Dateiname   : etoys50-pot.zip
Dateityp    : application/zip
Dateigröße  : 90405 bytes
Beschreibung: nicht verfügbar
URL         : http://lists.laptop.org/pipermail/etoys/attachments/20070721/ed9373b9/attachment-0001.zip 
-------------- nächster Teil --------------

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