[Etoys] Uploaded #1104 and "Revert the page"

Bert Freudenberg bert at freudenbergs.de
Wed Oct 25 16:25:41 EDT 2006

I think it has to do with hick-ups - the event playback is sensitive  
to other activity on the machine, it seems it looses events in that  
case. After rebooting it worked fine.

Building RPMs now, sorry for the false alarm ...

- Bert -

Am 25.10.2006 um 22:14 schrieb Alan Kay:

> The screen sizes of the PC and board are probably different, and  
> this was possibly the cause ...
> Scott's new stuff will take care of this for the next build ...
> Cheers,
> Alan
> ----------
> At 12:29 PM 10/25/2006, Bert Freudenberg wrote:
>> Am 25.10.2006 um 21:08 schrieb Yoshiki Ohshima:
>>>   Bert,
>>>> I just tried this, but the event playback in the Welcome project is
>>>> broken.
>>>> Sometimes the click on the paint button does nothing. Sometimes it
>>>> does, but then it misses the color picker. Actually, it looks to me
>>>> as if the button up/down events have the wrong timing.
>>>> Since this is a regression I will hold off on building new  
>>>> packages.
>>>> Anybody else seeing this? Can it be fixed until 5 pm Eastern Time?
>>>   The 'tapes' in the latest and Welcome project from Oct 20th are
>>> identical.  Without having the board in handy, I can't tell where  
>>> the
>>> problem comes from...
>> This was actually in Sugar on a regular PC ... I can try on the board
>> though.
>> - Bert -
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