[Etoys] Menu bug

karl karl.ramberg at chello.se
Fri Oct 20 03:39:43 EDT 2006

Scott Wallace skrev:
> Thank you, Karl!
> Evidently this bug has been around for a very long time.  A quick 
> check shows that the bug also occurs in:
>    Squeak3.9g-7061
>    Squeak 3.8.1
>    Squeak 3.7
>    Squeak 3.6
>    Squeak 3.5
>    Squeak 3.4
> I didn't check any earlier, but you get the idea...
> For OLPC, this is now fixed, by update 1093dismissRotatedMenu-sw. 
I guess there are not that many people rotating their menus out there :-)

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