[Etoys] Key generation

Bert Freudenberg bert at freudenbergs.de
Thu Oct 19 09:54:39 EDT 2006

I'm not sure if project saving will break. Can someone try, and  
publish a CS turning of the pref if it works?

- Bert -

Am 19.10.2006 um 15:41 schrieb Alan Kay:

> We certainly don't need the key for this build ...
> Cheers,
> Alan
> ----------
> At 06:13 AM 10/19/2006, Bert Freudenberg wrote:
>> When starting etoys for the very first time, a crypto key is
>> generated. This takes about a minute on the laptop. It's
>> particularily frustrating because the counter does not stop at 100%
>> but goes well beyond, everyone would think it does not finish at all.
>> Could we postpone key generation to the time it is actually needed,
>> rather than first start? I guess the reason to do it this way is
>> because of the sandbox? Can we do something to avoid that delay? Do
>> we need the key at all?
>> - Bert -
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