[Etoys] Trash icon

Karl karl.ramberg at chello.se
Fri Dec 15 07:23:15 EST 2006

Bert Freudenberg wrote:
> On Dec 13, 2006, at 17:39 , karl wrote:
>> Bert Freudenberg skrev:
>>> On Dec 13, 2006, at 16:14 , karl wrote:
>>>> I made a new icon for the trashcan trying to be in line with the 
>>>> OPLC HIG.
>>>> What do people think ?
>>> Not bad I think - a bit small, though. You must not ever use 
>>> one-pixel lines, and all the official icons are antialiased. Also, 
>>> they typically have only one line width throughout.
>> What display depth is the laptop running ? I noticed that my OPLC 
>> image was set to 16 bit color depth. Translucency does not work with 
>> images for that depth as far as I know, so there can not be antialias 
>> against the background. Or do you know a way to do that ?
>> I can see that text has antialias at 16 bit color depth, so it must 
>> be possible... :-)
> Ah, you're right, we're running at 16 bpp. Given the high resolution 
> we might get away without AA. Text rendering is a special case ...
> - Bert -
Using Form combination rule 34 will allow translucent forms to blend in 
8 and 16 bit as well (look at attached screenshot), but there are some 
not so nice side effect with other forms, (look at the menu icon in the 
screenshot) :-(
Some refactoring or regeneration of the forms in the image is nessesary.

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