[Etoys] [FIX]Position of picked up tile morph
karl.ramberg at chello.se
Sat Dec 2 06:07:38 EST 2006
Some tiles (like a new script) get a big offset when they are picked up
from the viewer. To me it seems like a a feature that is obsolete. I
commented out the offset part and the look and feel is more consistent.
-------------- next part --------------
'From OLPC2.0 of ''24 October 2006'' [latest update: #1134] on 2 December 2006 at 12:02:51 pm'!
!PhraseTileMorph methodsFor: 'mouse' stamp: 'kfr 12/2/2006 12:01'!
mouseDown: evt
"Handle a mouse-down on the receiver"
| ed guyToTake dup enclosingPhrase |
self removeHighlightFeedback.
self isPartsDonor ifTrue:
[dup _ self duplicate.
dup eventHandler: nil. "Remove viewer-related evt mouseover feedback"
evt hand attachMorph: dup.
dup position: evt position" + (-25 at 8)".
"So that the drag vs. click logic works"
dup formerPosition: evt position.
^ self].
submorphs isEmpty
ifTrue: [^ self].
guyToTake _ self.
[(enclosingPhrase _ guyToTake ownerThatIsA: PhraseTileMorph) notNil] whileTrue:
[guyToTake _ enclosingPhrase]. "This logic always grabs the outermost phrase, for now anyway"
"the below had comment: 'picking me out of another phrase'"
"owner class == TilePadMorph
[(ss _ submorphs first) class == TilePadMorph
ifTrue: [ss _ ss submorphs first].
guyToTake _ ss veryDeepCopy]."
(ed _ self enclosingEditor) ifNil: [^ evt hand grabMorph: guyToTake].
evt hand grabMorph: guyToTake.
ed startStepping.
ed mouseEnterDragging: evt.
ed setProperty: #justPickedUpPhrase toValue: true.
! !
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