[Educators] Empowering teachers

Yama Ploskonka yama at netoso.com
Mon Jun 16 11:37:37 EDT 2008

Thoughts on this subject, on _how_ to make it happen?

Clytie Siddall wrote:
 > Hello everyone :)


 > By the way, as a teacher and community-project officer myself, I think
 > you need to empower the teachers first. Make sure they understand the
 > opportunities they have, and how those tools are going to help them
 > achieve more of their goals.
 > I have often seen excellent advances in teaching tools either mis-used
 > or ignored, because teachers don't understand them, or haven't got time
 > to learn how to use them properly. Let's avoid that trap, by involving
 > teachers in the planning phases, and making sure they have enough time
 > and help to get the most out of what we offer.
 > In some countries, too, we will have to overcome very stilted teaching
 > methods (rote learning, chalk and talk), so we need to allow time and
 > effort for awareness-raising and learning very new ideas/practices. This
 > time and effort always pays off enormously, because you are opening the
 > door to further independent learning, and teaching people how to work
 > together.
 > from Clytie
 > Vietnamese Free Software Translation Team
 > http://vnoss.net/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=projects:l10n

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