<div dir="ltr"><div><div><div><div>Attached photo (in-lined below) should be an easy firmware/boot issue to solve I hope! Can anybody remind me what's need / what I need to try next?<br><br></div>Clarif: this is an XO-1.5 (SKU100) with:<br>- up-to-date RTC clock<br></div>- up-to-date firmware (Q3C17)<br></div>- up-to-date OS (OLPC OS 13.2.9)<br><br></div>And yet I can no longer boot it (it did boot earlier today, with an earlier OS).<br><br>
Thanks all for ideas!<br><div><div><div><div><br><img src="cid:ii_161aa7ad6df2f12f" alt="Inline image 1" width="416" height="312"><br></div></div></div></div></div>