I do not know if this things are related but there's a bug that I have reported to NM's bugzilla (<a href="https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=629661"><b>629661</b></a>). <br><br>The problem on the XO seems to be that while ListConnections on sugar reports all favourites to NM, when the XO starts NM only sees one favourite or none of them. This is a problem of NM, but also as you mention there's a problem with the scans, as debugging has shown a delay greater than 20s, and also that ListConnections reports everything and NM (using other methods: nm_manager_get_connections) does not get them all at the same time.<br>
<br>If you see this NM debugging log (<a href="https://bugzilla.gnome.org/attachment.cgi?id=171290">https://bugzilla.gnome.org/attachment.cgi?id=171290</a>) you can see that ListConnections -on NM Policy I think- reports all favourite user connections, while afterwards nm_get_connections does not find any of them. Later it does but it starts picking them up by stages -first one, then another one, etc.-.<br>
<br>This is an issue since -at startup- NM does not get all the data it needs to make a (good) decision in order to connect to an AP.<br><br>-- <br>Ing. Franco Miceli<br>CITS - Plan Ceibal - Investigación & Desarrollo<br>
Av. Italia 6201 - Montevideo, Uruguay<br>CP: 11500<br>Tel: (598 2) 601 5773 int.: 2227<br>