<div dir="ltr">Hello,<br><br>My student Nolan Baker and I have been developing three educational games (COBBLE, Space Tag and Cell Management) in Sugar this summer, and we would love to have your feedback on their alpha and beta versions. We've posted links to the .xo files on the main Activities page and have a wiki page for each game. <br>
<br>COBBLE <br><br>COBBLE stands for COllaBorative Board game Learning Environment. COBBLE can be seen as a game system, where we provide the pieces, and you provide the rules. Our goal is to
make COBBLE as flexible as possible, so that users can play any game
just by interacting with the objects and chatting about the rules in
the chatbox. Currently working are the Die, which can be created and rolled. Cobble is in the alpha stage, more will be updated soon.<br><br><a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/COBBLE">http://wiki.laptop.org/go/COBBLE</a><br>
<br>Space Tag<br><br>Space Tag is a fast paced, action packed, playground thriller that's
out of this world. Immerse yourself and a few of your buddies (after
all, sharing is important) in an overhead pseudo 3D world filled with
fuzzy physics. This was educational for us to learn about incorporating mesh into a game, and hopefully educational for students to read the code and learn about forces in physics.<br><br><a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Space_Tag">http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Space_Tag</a><br>
<br>Cell Management<br><br>Our first game, to learn about development with Sugar. Aliens have abducted 6 species from Earth, and your goal is to coordinate their efforts to escape. This game is based on regulatory networks found in RNA and DNA transcription and translation. The full rules for Cell Management can be found at <a href="http://www.piecepack.org/rules/CellManagement.pdf" class="external free" title="http://www.piecepack.org/rules/CellManagement.pdf" rel="nofollow">http://www.piecepack.org/rules/CellManagement.pdf</a> <br>
<br><a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Cell_Management">http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Cell_Management</a><br><br>Thanks for your comments, hope you find them fun and useful.<br>
<br>Mark Goadrich<br></div>