Dear Devel,<br><br>The following script gets my B2 and MPs online in joyride-1814, 703, and 656. It won't run from Pippy due to DBUS restrictions. <br>I don't know the ESSID for NYC, and I don't know their WEP key either. I am able to share a chat over the<br>
network created and it has lasted ~30 minutes without dropping off. The changes don't seem to survive a reboot. <br><br>Suggested use: copy script from usb key to /etc/rc5.d/ or write a wrapper activity that keeps enough privilege to talk on the dbus. <br>
<br>note: The magic numbers come from /usr/include/wireless.h. They are (definitely hexadecimal):<br>/* IW_AUTH_PAIRWISE_CIPHER and IW_AUTH_GROUP_CIPHER values (bit field) */<br>#define IW_AUTH_CIPHER_NONE 0x00000001<br>
#define IW_AUTH_CIPHER_WEP40 0x00000002<br>#define IW_AUTH_CIPHER_TKIP 0x00000004<br>#define IW_AUTH_CIPHER_CCMP 0x00000008<br>#define IW_AUTH_CIPHER_WEP104 0x00000010<br><br><br>/* IW_AUTH_80211_AUTH_ALG values (bit field) */<br>
#define IW_AUTH_ALG_OPEN_SYSTEM 0x00000001<br>#define IW_AUTH_ALG_SHARED_KEY 0x00000002<br>#define IW_AUTH_ALG_LEAP 0x00000004<br><br>Still to be done: Test with school server and collaboration. <br>