Hello all you fabulous people. After much review and consulting an electrical engineer who owed me a favor I was able to get into the XO and figure out what had happened. The Zener Diode D13 had indeed fried, I removed it and the system works again. I will replace it with something suitable later, but I just thought I'd thank you all for your help. It was quite rewarding to open the thing up and see the hard work you all have put into this machine, not only making it operate properly, but providing a suitable platform for DIY repair. I can honestly say that laymen such as myself found the repair quite easy to undertake, and even learned a thing or to by doing so. Bravo!<br>
<br>It was an annoying-turned-rewarding experience, and I think your help made it that way. I am considering putting together a small guide for the Wiki with the help of my friend just incase someone else comes across this problem, but I am not sure as to how to illustrate the internal composition without plagiarism of those schematics (which I assure you I will not do). I will let you know if I manage to make some progress there. I really just want to give something back, as you all stuck your necks out trying to help.<br>
<br>Keep up the good work folks! <br><br>-Satisfied Donor.<br>