It's getting to be time to share my work on Develop on this list. The latest version is now up on the wiki. Below, I've pasted a copy of some relevant text from that page. Please, try it out, and of course, all patches are welcome.<br>
<br>Jameson<br><br>...copy from wiki page follows...<br><h2><br><span class="mw-headline"></span></h2><h2><span class="mw-headline"> WARNINGS </span></h2>
<p>Currently this version only edits activities that are stored in
~olpc/Activities, but that at least means that you can use it to
develop itself.
</p><p>This saves modified versions of activities in the journal. In order to continue editing these saved activity bundles, <b>you need to also install the patched version of the journal called <a href="" title="Image:DoppelJournal-79.xo">Image:DoppelJournal-79.xo</a>.</b>. (<a href="">ticket <b><tt>#6639</tt></b></a>)
In DoppelJournal, go to the details page for your saved application
bundle, put the mouse over the resume button in the upper right, and
wait a fraction of a second until the pulldown shows the options
"Develop" and "Start". "Develop" works, but "start" doesn't because
bitfrost prevents DoppelJournal from reinstalling the activity. </p><p>So in order to open these modified versions, you need to use your regular journal. When you do, you run into <a href="">ticket <b><tt>#6497</tt></b></a>,
which means that you cannot run/test your modified activities unless
you change the version number in <a href=""></a> for each test.
</p><p>Also, this app has been known to cause <b>TOTAL LOSS OF JOURNAL CONTENTS</b>.
The data is still on your XO, in
/home/olpc/.sugar/default/datastore1234567890 (your numbers will be
different). You can recover this data by copying it onto an external
USB and then letting the files be recognized by the journal... (I
think, I have not tried this yet. The problem is that the files have no
extension, but at least my Ubuntu system can guess the correct file
type for most.) I do not understand this bug and am not sure that it
still occurs with the latest version of Develop, but you have been
</p><p>This uses to save its XO files. This means
that if MANIFEST is not correct, it can either fail to save, or fail to
save all of its files. Again, you have been warned. I have a plan to
fix this, it is not too hard.
</p><p>The other known bugs are very minor issues that I already know
how to fix as soon as I get around to it. The F8 (big circle on the XO
slider) key is getting grabbed by the window manager in some cases, I
have two identical tabs of logs in some cases, and ignore-case in find
is unimplemented.
<a name="Enough_bad_things.2C_what_is_good_about_it.3F"></a><h2><span class="editsection"></span><span class="mw-headline"> Enough bad things, what is good about it? </span></h2>
<p>It really works! Not just a toy.<br>
</p><p>Rudimentary version control, using the journal.
</p><p>Good find/replace support, check out the UI (though there is still room for improvement - search history, shift-fkeys to hard-open the palettes...). F5-F8 (the circle-slider on the XO) are set find, find prev, find
next, and {set replace or, if replace was set since find, do replace},
</p><p>Ability to view log files from within the app. Better than
logviewer, since you can see logs from previous 4 sessions, and the
list is filtered to the ones relevant to your app.