[Announcement] Sugarizer v1.3 is available for your device

Lionel Laské lionel.laske at gmail.com
Sat Mar 28 17:33:47 EDT 2020

Hi all,

I'm proud to announce the version 1.3 of Sugarizer, the leading learning
platform for children.


New in this version:

   - Calligra activity: Primary school teachers asked us, it's done!
   Calligra is a fun activity to help kids learn cursive writing: letters,
   numbers or figures. You could even create your own figures!

   - Falabracman activity: It was one of children favorite Sugar activities
   all over the world  since its creation in 2008 in Brazil. The addictive
   Falabracman game is back. Learn words by collecting all the letters in
   the right order.
   - Piano mode in TamTam activity: Choose your instrument then display a
   small piano keyboard to play your favorites melodies using this instrument.
   Never been so easy to play music.
   - Set time mode in Clock activity: Set clock hands by yourself or play
   to find the hand position matching a specific time.
   - Smartphone support: Of course a smartphone is not the ideal device for
   Sugarizer but we can't ignore an opportunity to learn. So most
   activities propose now a full screen mode to be easily usable on small
   - Tutorial everywhere: You've got a doubt about features of an activity?
   Now every activities include a full tutorial to explain how it works step
   by step.
   - Improved stability: more than 100 fix and update on Sugarizer and

A short animation of these features is visible here:

Teachers use Sugarizer in 30 schools today. If it's good for them, why not
for your children?

Sugarizer 1.3  is available on your browser [1] but also for your Android,
iOS, Linux, MacOS or Windows device. Download it from : Google Play [2],
Amazon Store [3], Apple Store [4], F-droid [5], snapcraft [6] and if you
don't like stores, you could also install it by yourself using instructions
on the Sugarizer website [7].

On Android, Sugarizer could also replace your launcher with Sugarizer OS

And if you want to deploy Sugarizer Server for your school, follow
instructions here [9].

               Lionel Laské

P.S.: Special thanks for their contribution on this version to Prakash
Ujjwal (Falabracman activity, Set time mode in Clock activity), Marcus
Chong (Piano mode in TamTam activity) and to all GCI students specifically
Andrea Gonzales, Nathan Dimmer, sdziuda and Sashreek Magan.

[1] http://try.sugarizer.org

[2] https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.olpc_france.sugarizer

[3] http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00NKK7PZA

[4] https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sugarizer/id978495303

[5] https://f-droid.org/repository/browse/?fdid=org.olpc_france.sugarizer

[6] https://snapcraft.io/sugarizer

[7] https://sugarizer.org


[9] https://github.com/llaske/sugarizer-server

[10] https://sugarizer.org#desktop
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