Ubuntu bionic running on XO 1.5

Neyder Achahuanco Apaza neyder at neyder.net
Tue Apr 23 01:00:56 EDT 2019

Hi you all,

I got to run Ubuntu 18.04 bionic on XO 1.5 with 512MB. [1]

Here is a how to [2] first time i was using XO-1.5 3.10 kernel, working out
of the box, but without loading modules. so no wifi nor network.

After that i got to compile 5.0 kernel thanks to Quozl and Lubomir , for
some reason I has to tell kernel to start on read-write mode, i got fully
working ubuntu with wifi and so.

I got sources from git: laptop.org [3] ubuntu [4]
Also from ubuntu archive [5]

Sadly my workdir was a mess, so decided to start over, deleted everything,
make so many `make clean distclean` , checkout <somebranch>, that forgot
which was the correct source, i got to use chroot to ubuntu to fedora and

I started over with ubuntu archive [5] 5.0 kernel, compiled these kernels
[6] hopping this would work as before, it doesn't , it has some errors at
loading. so here I'm asking for advice and help.
configs are from olpc-5.0 (for 1 1.5 175) and arm-3.5 (for 4) branches,
with just `make oldconfig`

For wifi firmware I used firmware-libertas package from debian stretch [7]

This is a working kernel working-5.0.tar.gz inside my NC [6]

[1] https://twitter.com/neyder/status/1120385111625740290
[2] https://neyder.net/2019/04/ubuntu-bionic-en-olpc-xo/
[3] http://dev.laptop.org/git/olpc-kernel/log/?h=olpc-5.0
[4] git://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-kernel/ubuntu/+source/linux/+git/disco
[5] http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux/
[6] https://cloud.neyder.net/index.php/s/HT7YETRtebW2Cro
[7] https://packages.debian.org/stretch/firmware-libertas

About me:

I'm FLOSS entusiast, i work mostly with ubuntu, sorry if my english is no
good enough, i help teachers with tech, i got no payment for that, i want
to XOs work with ubuntu because fedora dropped 32bit and teachers who I
help, want to use XOs with more than sugar.

Oh, I'm from Peru, iI live in Puno, meet (in the past) two great sugarlabs
devs Bernie Innocenti and Aleksei Lim when olpc was starting in Peru. I
live in Puno, at shores of Titikaka lake.

Neyder Achahuanco Apaza
"Educación, Cultura y Tecnología"
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