[support-gang] Fwd: Re: [UKids] Best GCompris for OLPC OS 13.2.8?

Adam Holt holt at laptop.org
Sat Feb 11 11:36:48 EST 2017

The following creates 3 Sugar activity icons, on OLPC OS 13.2.8 on an XO-4
laptop, within 30min:

   - Terminal -> su -> "yum install gcompris" -> GCompris-0.31.xo
   - Terminal -> su -> "yum install tuxmath" -> TuxMath-3.1.xo
   - run TuxPaint-6.2.xo

The 3 files ending in .xo are tiny wrappers from Nathan Riddle, run from a
USB stick visible in Sugar's Journal, to create the activity icons within
Sugar's ring (Home View).

Unfortunately on a fresh 13.2.8 on XO-1 I'm stuck out of the gate.  First
Terminal -> su -> "yum install gcompris" failed with the following error
about an hour later:

   At least 52MB more space needed on the / filesystem.

Strange as "df -h" showed 89MB available on / and there had been 255MB free
on the fresh OS, for a 94M application whose installed size is "139M" but

So I tried changing /etc/fstab 's /tmp entry from 50m to 200m per George
Hunt's suggestion, then rebooting ("df -h" confirms 200MB available on
/tmp) then I re-ran Terminal -> su -> "yum install gcompris".  The error
about 30min later is:

   At least 53MB more space needed on the / filesystem.

So I tried changing /etc/fstab 's /var/tmp entry from 50m to 200m per
Sebastian Silva's suggestion, while reducing /tmp back down from 200M to
50m, then rebooting ("df -h" confirms both) then re-ran Terminal -> su ->
"yum install gcompris".  The error about 30min later remains:

   At least 52MB more space needed on the / filesystem.

What should I try next?  (Apologies it must be something simple I'm
overlooking, as Nathan Riddle and others have GCompris working very
decently on XO-1!)
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