Announcing another early Android build for XO-4

ben ben at
Sun May 11 19:19:25 EDT 2014

Hi Paul,

Android has a fixed fstab configure file indicate partitions:

For example in internal eMMC
/dev/block/mmcblk0p3        /system
/dev/block/mmcblk0p4        /cache

But if it's booted from external SD card it should be
/dev/block/mmcblk1p3        /system
/dev/block/mmcblk1p4        /cache

There is no logic in Android to detect which one it should use, just 
hard code to mmcblk0p3
Need kernel do a mapping or Android add a logic to know which one it 
booted from I guess.

How does it work in sugar?


On 05/12/2014 11:02 AM, Paul Fox wrote:
> james wrote:
>   > Would be nice, yes, but not immediately planned.
> do we have any idea why it doesn't work?
>   > Meanwhile, if you would like to test and still retain an existing
>   > install, learn how to backup and restore the internal storage:
>   >
>   >
>   >
> neither is very helpful in lowering the bar for someone that would
> like to test without (even temporarily) destroying the content
> of their laptop.
> paul
> =---------------------
>   paul fox, pgf at
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