[Sugar-devel] XO on Fedora 20 (was Re: [GSoC] Porting To Python3)

Martin Abente martin.abente.lahaye at gmail.com
Thu May 8 12:55:32 EDT 2014

Hello Daniel,

I built the image for XO 1.5 but it freezes during boot.

It reaches to the stage:

Starting Wait for Wait for Plymouth Boot Screen to Quit...

Right after that I see these two messages:

dcon_freeze_store: 1
dcon_source_switch to DCON

Then the screen slowly and gradually turns gray.

Any idea what this could be? Any suggestion for debugging it?


On Thu, May 8, 2014 at 8:16 AM, Gonzalo Odiard <godiard at sugarlabs.org>wrote:

> These are fantastic news!
> Thanks Daniel for working on this....
> Gonzalo
> On Wed, May 7, 2014 at 9:04 PM, Daniel Narvaez <dwnarvaez at gmail.com>wrote:
>> As an update, I have patched xorg-x11-drv-dove and built rpms for it
>> http://shell.sugarlabs.org/~dnarvaez/oob/f20-xo1.75/
>> Now building an image with those.
>> On 7 May 2014 15:18, Martin Abente <martin.abente.lahaye at gmail.com>wrote:
>>> Great!
>>> I will try your oob branch for 1.5, I do have XOs 1.5 for testing :)
>>> On Wed, May 7, 2014 at 9:01 AM, Daniel Narvaez <dwnarvaez at gmail.com>wrote:
>>>> On 7 May 2014 01:44, James Cameron <quozl at laptop.org> wrote:
>>>>> On Tue, May 06, 2014 at 04:24:39PM +0200, Daniel Narvaez wrote:
>>>>> > [...] And with the XO stuck on Fedora 18 we might not have good
>>>>> > enough introspection to make the port compatible with it.
>>>>> If anybody would like to work on moving olpc-os-builder to something
>>>>> more recent, feel free.  It isn't something OLPC is looking at right
>>>>> now, but it would be helpful to the users.
>>>>> Not the die hard 0.98 users, of course.  ;-)
>>>> I'm giving that a try. I was able to build a Fedora 20 image for XO 1.5
>>>> https://github.com/dnarvaez/olpc-os-builder
>>>> I don't have hardware to test that though... I'm now trying to build
>>>> for 1.75 which is harder but I can actually test. I need to rebuild the X
>>>> driver but I think that will require some patching, let's see if I can get
>>>> it to work...
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>> --
>> Daniel Narvaez
> --
> Gonzalo Odiard
> SugarLabs - Software for children learning
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