Using a wifi dongle on an XO-1(.5) -- another dongle

John Watlington wad at
Thu May 1 21:39:36 EDT 2014

On May 1, 2014, at 9:26 PM, James Cameron wrote:

>> The miniPCIe form factor is frequently used for USB-based wireless cards as
>> well, and XO laptops do provide USB signals at the appropriate pins although
>> the shipped wireless card doesn't use it.
> I couldn't prove they were connected, on the XO-1.5 schematic (Rev M),
> as the signal name didn't appear elsewhere.

On XO-1.5 it is connected to the VX855 USB port 5 (page 15).

> They are tied to the USB hub on XO-1.75 and XO-4.
> Are you aware of any replacement USB cards that have been made to work?



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