XO-1 wireless scan test Tim-2

Tim Moody tim at timmoody.com
Tue Feb 11 13:41:02 EST 2014

TPLink WDR4300

Channel: 9
MAC: 10:FE:ED:9B:66:2F
Firmware: SECN v 2 RC3d
router's dhcp server is on
router's mesh is off
2.4Hz only and set to G only
no internet access

11 XO-1s with 12th a logger

XO OS: Kevin Gordon custom based on 11.3, fc14 with Q2F19 ROM

Monitor XO OS 12.1

Powered off previous AP, powered on WDR4300, and tried switching all XO-1s 
without powering off and on individually:

1 - 4 new AP visible in NN and connected with no problem
5 - took more time to appear
6 -7 new AP visible and connected with no problem
8 - 11 never became visible
8 - discarded network history without effect
8 - powered off and on and new AP visible and easily connected
9 - powered off and on and new AP visible and easily connected
10 -11 done together with success

All XO-1s powered off and powered on sequentially
All connected to the AP

OFW test run
Linux test run 
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