[Sugar-devel] Sugar on a $100 tablet!

Mike Lee curiouslee at gmail.com
Wed Sep 11 09:30:18 EDT 2013

I also have a Gen 1 Nexus 7 and would like to try this if it can be done
from Mac or Win OS. I'd be particularly interested in the usability of of
the basic features of Etoys 5 and Scratch 1.4. I would imagine TurtleBlocks
works well.

With the procedure characterized as tricky, I may fast follow George on


On Wed, Sep 11, 2013 at 5:43 AM, George Hunt <georgejhunt at gmail.com> wrote:

> I have a nexus, and I'm anxious to learn how to swap out OS, reload stuff,
> etc.
> Does Ubuntu talk directly to the hardware? If so, how much variation is
> there in the hardware? If most tablets are based on arm SOC's, this might
> work across many hardware platforms.
> George
> On Wed, Sep 11, 2013 at 1:47 AM, Ruben Rodríguez <quidam at sugarlabs.org>wrote:
>> 2013/9/7 George Hunt <georgejhunt at gmail.com>:
>> > There's a complex "Sugar on Android" solution. At this point, it's only
>> for
>> > hackers. But it just might help us achieve the $100 Sugar machine.
>> >
>> > Refer to http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2151092.
>> This sounds like fun, but maybe not that useful for real deployments
>> as it probably works quite slowly.
>> > I'm inclined to play with the nexus, because there's so much information
>> > available on how to add software. Then later I can try it with a $100
>> > machine.
>> Good news is that I already have Sugar 0.98 running natively (no
>> android underneath) on my Nexus 7 on top of Ubuntu.
>> http://imgur.com/WMgm3oB
>> As a byproduct of packaging 0.98 in deb form -which is something I'm
>> working on this days-, and since I have a Nexus, I compiled the debs
>> for armhf to play a little bit with them. There are some bugs but it
>> worked overall in a very promising way: most things work, including
>> frame gestures, maliit, journal, activities and collaboration. It is
>> also quite fast.
>> If somebody has a nexus and wants to give it a try I can publish the
>> debs and a brief howto during the weekend. It is a bit tricky, though.
>> Cheers,
>> --
>> Rubén Rodríguez - SugarLabs.org
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