Using a Nonolith CEE with an XO on 13.2.0

James Cameron quozl at
Wed Sep 4 04:39:13 EDT 2013

The CEE by Nonolith Labs is a two-channel, two-quadrant, three-digit
source measure unit.

It would be useful in an educational context, as a general purpose
sensor and test instrument.

I've written up how to use a CEE on an XO:

It worked well for me, and gave accurate values which were nicely

However, the per-seat cost is considerable compared to the built-in
sensor port on the XO, and electrical protection of the CEE is not as
robust as for the XO.  Deployments would need to take more care.

(Declaration: the primary author of this mail purchased a device for
private use, is not a supplier or manufacturer of the device, and
received no compensation from the supplier or manufacturer.)

James Cameron

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