Fwd: XO Problems (4 Problems)

Walter Bender walter.bender at gmail.com
Mon Nov 25 19:13:00 EST 2013

On Mon, Nov 25, 2013 at 5:00 PM, C. Scott Ananian <cscott at cscott.net> wrote:
> Thanks!  I forwarded everyone's responses on to Douglas, with pithy
> descriptions of who you all are and the exciting things you do and
> countries you live in, to give him a taste of the broader OLPC
> community.  I'll probably install the latest image on his machine in
> the next few weeks, and I'll let you know if we find any issues (or
> maybe I'll teach him to report them himself!).
> Walter, let me know if you ever do any Boston-area SugarLabs
> activities, he's reached the age where he'd be an enthusiastic
> participant.  (Although not a Python coder yet, he's mastering Scratch
> first.)

We may do a Turtle Art Day in Boston soon. (There is a new TA feature:
export to Python. From there you import into Pippy and from there, you
can export to a Sugar activity...)



>  --scott
> On Mon, Nov 25, 2013 at 4:53 PM, James Cameron <quozl at laptop.org> wrote:
>> G'day Scott,
>> There have been no significant changes to the hardware support since
>> the 13.2.0 release, although Daniel Drake has contributed some fixes
>> I've seen in the various git repositories.
>> Firmware fixes yet to be included in a release are:
>> - a fix for erroneous low-battery power downs that may occur between
>>   the time the runin tests are used and when power cable and battery
>>   are removed for shipping, (released as XO-4 EC 0.4.11),
>> - a minor fix for ntp-set-clock, relevant only for deployments who
>>   plan to use NTP in their firmware boot script or USB drives, (not
>>   released, but is in repository),
>> - a fix for four game key reflash over HTTP, relevant only for
>>   deployments who plan to use a reinstall image available over
>>   wireless; e.g. short range 802.11n dongles attached to a server,
>>   (not released, but is in repository),
>> I've been working on a fix for the #12694 hang of the XO-4 mwifiex
>> wireless driver that may occur when a laptop experiences heavy demand
>> for memory at the same time as a large download.  I'm not ready for
>> wider testing yet.
>> Gonzalo and Walter are working on a deployment image, in a different
>> version number namespace, for which they have used the number 13.3.0,
>> in which most of the change is in Sugar and activities.  It is based
>> on 13.2.0 hardware support.
>> One of the Sugar changes might be considered hardware support;
>> compatibility with WPA Enterprise and hidden SSID access points.
>> There might be others, I haven't checked.
>> There are no hardware changes that I'm aware of in the manufacturing
>> pipeline, so no new hardware support needed yet.
>> On Mon, Nov 25, 2013 at 11:59:59AM -0500, C. Scott Ananian wrote:
>>> A related question.  I'll try to phrase this delicately -- what's the
>>> relationship between Walter's "Sugar 100" build and the latest OLPC
>>> kernel?  Can I safely assume that SugarLabs is the current keeper of
>>> the flame and has all the latest hardware-support bits (I hope so!).
>>> Gonzalo pointed me to a different build.  Can someone explain the
>>> different sources of bits and development to me?
>>>   --scott
>> --
>> James Cameron
>> http://quozl.linux.org.au/
> --
>                          ( http://cscott.net/ )
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Walter Bender
Sugar Labs

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