[Sugar-devel] Introducing SimpleActivity / Introduciendo SimpleActivity

Agustin Zubiaga Sanchez aguz at sugarlabs.org
Fri Nov 22 08:18:05 EST 2013

Thank you!

I take your point... I am going to make separated branches one for
collaboration and another for just a SimpleActivity Activity.
I will try to do that today, anyway I will notify.


2013/11/22 James Cameron <quozl at laptop.org>

> +1
> I have reviewed simpleactivity.py and testactivity.py
> This code is very legible and explains well what it does, and can
> serve as an example for new activity authors.
> The docstrings in simpleactivity.py are an effective explanation of
> the simplified API, so perhaps you can generate the documentation from
> them in the usual Python fashion.
> Next to do is for a few activities to be developed using
> SimpleActivity, so that you can see what remains common to the new
> activities.  The common code might then be added to SimpleActivity.
> testactivity.py is derived from SharedActivity, and so it is complex,
> because a collaborating activity is complex.  I'd like to see also an
> activity example derived from SimpleActivity.
> The number of imports done by testactivity.py still seems high, and a
> SimpleActivity example may be able to reduce that.
> --
> James Cameron
> http://quozl.linux.org.au/
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