[Sugar-devel] seeking help to enable nepali keyboard input for XO-4

James Cameron quozl at laptop.org
Sun Nov 10 18:18:25 EST 2013

On Sun, Nov 10, 2013 at 11:08:18AM +0545, Basanta Shrestha wrote:
> But I am still wondering how we could alter/change the stored data
> to our preference or if we can do it ourselves. Please suggest. 

At the firmware ok prompt [1], you may change the tag values [2], for

ok tags(
ok delete-tag KL
ok add-tag KL np
ok delete-tag KV
ok add-tag KV olpc2
ok )tags

The )tags command will force a reboot.

If you need to scale up this change to many laptops, contact
reuben at laptop.org or myself.  I must know the SKU number.


1.  http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Ok
2.  http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Manufacturing_Data_Specification#Defined_Tags

James Cameron

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