Exist any Activity cache that ones must be aware while code/deployment/test cycle an Activity?

Frank Cancio frank at gsc.uy
Tue May 21 14:36:22 EDT 2013

Thanks Gonzalo and Mikus. Like Gonzalo said, the process of my last
activity don't die even my activity "window" was closed, that caused
my problems. Until I debugged my activity, I kill the process

Thanks again

On Mon, May 20, 2013 at 3:18 PM, Mikus Grinbergs <mikus at mikusj.com> wrote:
> On 05/20/2013 09:01 AM, Frank Cancio wrote:
>> or I must do anything else
>> to make sure that the new .py files  get execute and not the code
>> inside the files I delete?
> I myself always delete any created .pyo or .pyc files, as well.
> [Python creates these from .py files, to speed up execution.]
> mikus

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