[Telepathy] "ip4-address" and "ip6-address" fields in telepathy-salut/telepathy-gabble

Guillaume Desmottes guillaume.desmottes at collabora.co.uk
Thu Mar 28 04:08:16 EDT 2013

Le jeudi 21 mars 2013 à 14:26 +0530, Ajay Garg a écrit :
> Hi all.
> I downloaded source-rpms "for telepathy-salut-0.8.0", and
> "telepathy-gabble-0.16.5", and after a quick grepping, realised that
> "ip4-address/ip6-address" fields is passed on as one of the
> buddy-properties in "telepathy-salut", but the same does not happen in
> "telepathy-gabble".
> Has there been any particular  reason for this? Or is it just that the
> need was never felt till date :P

I don't remember why we added these fields for OLPC. Is it still used by
Sugar these days? If it's not I'd be in favor of just removing them.


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