
Gonzalo Odiard gonzalo at laptop.org
Thu Jul 4 18:16:11 EDT 2013

I did another comparison, between  13.2.0 os11 and os883 (sugar 0.94)
You can see the results here:



* The activities were started from the listview, then are new instances
* The start up time is the time reported by sugar in the log.

The column start  up difference, if negative, the time was improved.
I added a column to show what activities were ported from Gtk2 to Gtk3.
In the case of Read activity, the mechanism is confused, because the old
opened the ObjectChooser in a new instance.
I don't know what happen with Scratch.

Some activities had a lot of changes, but other like Distance or Implode
and looks like the change to Gtk3 add a penalty.


On Thu, Jul 4, 2013 at 5:38 PM, Yioryos Asprobounitis
<mavrothal at yahoo.com>wrote:

> >>  The following script appears to work as expected, but is the result
> valid?
> >
> > That's hard to judge without having an explanation for what you are
> > trying to measure. I can't immediately see your intentions from
> > reading the script.
> >
> > Daniel
> >
> My intention is to get a list of the "user" and "system" time that takes
> to launch the activities.
> The attachments show the results on XO-1 running os885 and 13.2.0-4 (no
> overclocking or other mods).
> It stops at Terminal (ooops) but you get the idea.
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