wifi power on/off

Paul Fox pgf at laptop.org
Fri Apr 5 08:55:51 EDT 2013

yioryos wrote:
 > I'm trying to cycle the power of the wifi card on the XO-1{.5] but after half an hour of fruitless searching of the  list/wiki/web  I thought to ask, since I remember being discussed here.
 > Could please someone points to the terminal commands to turn off and on power on the usb8388 and sd8686 modules/cards?

can't be done, on recent releases.  well, at least for 1.5 and later
laptops.  it may still be operational for XO-1 [1].  our rfkill-based
mechanism was messy, and it was rejected when we attempted to put it

the mechanism hasn't yet been replaced -- someday the card should
power down with "ifconfig eth0 down". 


[1] on XO-1 the commands to try are "rfkill block wifi" and "rfkill
unblock wifi".

 > Thanks 
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 paul fox, pgf at laptop.org

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