OLPC build creation failed

Jose Prous joseprous at gmail.com
Thu Sep 13 15:41:39 EDT 2012

Hello, I'm José Prous from Paraguay Educa.

I'm trying compile an OLPC build for the XO 1.75.

I followed the instructions in http://wiki.laptop.org/go/OS_Builder

I used os-builder from the git source in the commit
252aa2a3c2859e2677e05675f7eaff2b5b430e54 and using the config file
olpc-os-12.1.0-xo1.75.ini in a clean installation of Fedora 17 with all the
upgrades and disabling SELinux

I'm getting this error http://fpaste.org/Mq0h/

Could someone please help me with this?

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