[TRANSIENT ISSUE] 3G-Modem not being recognised

Ajay Garg ajay at activitycentral.com
Tue Nov 20 03:33:49 EST 2012

Hi all.

I have been facing transient issues in getting the 3G-Modem recognised (via
the appearence of the corresponding icon in the bottom-tray).

There really is no fixed pattern; sometimes the icon appears when the modem
is inserted; sometimes not.
Same is the case when the XO is rebooted, while the modem is inserted. Upon
booting, sometimes the icon appears; sometimes not.

I don't remember such issues in 12.1.0; there, the icon appeared whenever
it ought to.

Is someone else too facing such transient issues; or am I the only one hit?


Ajay Garg
Dextrose Developer
Activity Central: http://activitycentral.com
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