Booting OLPC OS 12.1 from USB sticks and SD cards

Sascha Silbe silbe at
Mon May 21 11:33:07 EDT 2012

Hi folks!

As I've had considerable trouble getting OLPC OS 12.1 to work on my XOs,
I thought I'd share with everyone what I know to be broken so others
don't fall into the same traps:

|                  | XO-1                    | XO-1.5  | XO-1.75        |
| USB stick        | working                 | working | boot broken    |
| external SD card | boot and suspend broken | working | suspend broken |

- boot broken: OLPC#11872 [1]
- suspend broken: OLPC#11751 [2]

Add hardware compatibility issues to the above and you'll end up with a
less than 50% chance to get OLPC OS 12.1 to work on a random XO. That's
a lot of fun to diagnose when trying to test something else...



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