13.1.0 development build 19 released

Anna aschoolf at gmail.com
Mon Dec 17 13:22:51 EST 2012

On Mon, Dec 17, 2012 at 12:03 PM, Sameer Verma <sverma at sfsu.edu> wrote:

> Works for me.
> https://twitter.com/sameerverma/status/280734184413212673/photo/1/large
> Sameer

Oh, cool!  So it's just a problem with my stuff, then.  Sameer, do you have
a B1 or a C1?

Also, I just unplugged and then reinserted the HDMI.  Here's what dmesg had
to say about that:

[ 1315.785220] hdmi_hpd_handler
[ 1316.108451] hdmi_hpd_handler
[ 1316.559958] hdmi_hpd_handler
[ 1316.918433] hdmi_hpd_handler
[ 1316.922154] hdmi_hpd_handler
[ 1316.987577] hdmi_hpd_handler
[ 1317.980952] work_launch
[ 1317.982137] ++++++++++++ hdmi_hpd_work state 4000 hdmi_state 0

If this is looking like an unsolvable issue with the B1, let those of us
with those boards know so we don't continue with exercises in futility.

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