Getting an XO connected to WLAN from commandline

Sascha Silbe silbe at
Wed Aug 22 02:27:41 EDT 2012

Martin Langhoff <martin at> writes:

> If you are working on an XO from serial port or the commandline, and
> you want to drive NetworkManager to connect to your WLAN without using
> X, here's what you can do.

It's probably worth noting that you only have to jump through all these
hoops for NM <= 0.8 / Sugar <= 0.94. For NM 0.9 / Sugar 0.96+ all you
need to do is:

nmcli con up id '<essid>'

Or if you inherited the connection settings from a pre-0.96 Sugar installation:

nmcli con up id 'Auto <essid>'

You can list the available connection settings with:

nmcli con list

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