12.1.0 devel build 7 released, for the XO-1, XO-1.5 and XO-1.75

Peter Robinson pbrobinson at gmail.com
Fri Apr 13 07:39:53 EDT 2012

The "Hmm... still, better than looking cleverer than you are." release.


Some of the notable fixes in this release are:
- GNOME 3.4
- Auto expanion of filesystem so we now have a single image

Fixed bugs:
#10040 	we don't use all available SD card space
#11094 	ubifs boot failures related to bad-blocks?
#11767 	XO-1.75 Fn key produces =
#11743 	suspend fails if no wake-on-wlan configured
#11723 	OFW XO-1.75 - only escape key should escape to prompt
#11753 	XO-1.5 XO-1.75 XO-3 OpenFirmware internal storage image capture tool
#11719 	12.1.0 - XO-1 does not provide device that could be mounted
onto /bootpart
#11610 	Time rollback disables powerd's power button control

Activity changes:

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