[Sugar-devel] Installing gstreamer media codecs on XO-1

David Leeming david at leeming-consulting.com
Wed Apr 4 01:06:02 EDT 2012

 start from a fresh install on an XO
 yum localinstall --nogpgcheck rpmfusion-free-stable.rpm
 yum localinstall --nogpgcheck rpmfusion-nonfree-stable.rpm
 yum install yum-utils (may be yumutils)
 mkdir myrpms
 cd myrpms
 yumdownloader --resolve package1 package2 ... packageN

Once yumdownloader is done, the relevant rpms and their dependencies
are in the myrpms directory. Copy the directory to USB flash disk.

This has been the preparation stage.

Now take that USB flash disk to existing XOs, command is:

  rpm -Uvh /media/mydisk/myrpms/*rpm


  yum localinstall /media/mydisk/myrpms/*rpm

This thread started a long tome ago on devel at lists.laptop.org, it has
nothing to do with sugar. Now sure how we landed here.


 martin.langhoff at gmail.com
 martin at laptop.org -- Software Architect - OLPC
 - ask interesting questions
 - don't get distracted with shiny stuff  - working code first
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