12.1.0 devel build 6 released, for the XO-1, XO-1.5 and XO-1.75

Kevin Gordon kgordon420 at gmail.com
Tue Apr 3 12:06:12 EDT 2012

On Tue, Apr 3, 2012 at 11:41 AM, Peter Robinson <pbrobinson at gmail.com>wrote:

> On Tue, Apr 3, 2012 at 3:40 PM, Chris Leonard <cjlhomeaddress at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > On Tue, Apr 3, 2012 at 6:25 AM, Mikus Grinbergs <mikus at bga.com> wrote:
> >> Peter wrote
> >>
> >>> We're glad of the testing but
> >>> ultimately if you need a perfectly stable platform I suggest you stick
> >>> with 11.3 for the moment.
> >>
> >>
> >> I'm a volunteer.  I have no __need__ to post here (nor to use the XO).
> >>
> >> Which would you prefer - to have me keep quiet about what I encounter -
> or
> >> may I share my experiences without being lectured about __need__ ?
> >>
> >
> >
> > Mikus, You have a well earned reputation as a trailblazer in XO
> > testing and it is a very valuable role that you play in pushing the
> > envelope forward with the very latest builds often within minutes of
> > their release.  Please continue this excellent work.
> I don't disagree but ultimately if there's not appropriate bug reports
> with all the information needed we can't fix the problems. So
> ultimately I appreciate his bug reports but with a non standard
> configuration we need detailed reports to have that information be
> useful for those people that actually have to deal with the
> information and fix the problem.

I'm probably one of the most guilty of not using official bug tracking for
everything I discuss in this forum. Part of the issue for me, who is
nowhere near as knowledgeable as Mikus, is that I'm not ever really sure
what I'm seeing is in fact a bug.  It might just be something I don't know
how to do.  So, I await feedback from others in here to educate me.  In
some cases, people just like to make observations, and aren't either
complaining or even asking for help.    I certainly like the free and easy
aspect of what can be accomplished as a volunteer within this little
group.  My +1 is meant to say that I would very much like for Mikus to
continue to report his observations herein.  I learn a lot form his
inoput.  If someone upstream feels it is important enough to file a bug
report, and the observer has not, then so be it, let them do so.   However,
I'm not convinced that having to do so should be a prerequisite for
participation.  If the anecdotal observations without formal bug tracking
don't interest someone, they can certainly ignore them. I know I can :-)

> Peter
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