Q4B08.rom works in debricking too 1.75 B1

Bert Freudenberg bert at freudenbergs.de
Sat Sep 3 08:24:43 EDT 2011

On 03.09.2011, at 09:17, James Cameron wrote:

> On Fri, Sep 02, 2011 at 11:39:47PM -0700, Cherry Withers wrote:
>> I don't know if this was verified already or not, but it seems to work
>> so far.
> Thanks, you've been brave.  The worst outcome would have been a brick.
> Q4B08 isn't that far different from Q4B06, but as the amount of change
> increases the risk will increase, so I really don't recommend testing a
> new version unless you have the electronics equipment available for
> reprogramming of the SPI FLASH chip.  Q4B09 is due within a few days,
> but again I don't plan to test it against this problem.

I used q4b08 too, not being aware that later versions might be detrimental.

- Bert -

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